آداب استیذان اور عصر حاضر میں اس کے اطلاق کاتفسیری نکات کی روشنی میں تجزیاتی مطالعہ
. Key words: Social issue, Light of Islamic teachings, Entery in houses (Isteyzan), contamparary issueAbstract
The dependence of human life resolves around morality, politics, beliefs and prayerfulness. All these facets are intensely significant but socialism and morality are directly connected with the individual as well as the collective aspect of a society. It is because if disintegration is generated in social system or peace and calmness vanished from sphere of human life than disintegration, hypocracy and enemity start taking place in human life. This is the solid reason on behalf of which our Din-e-Islam has made detailed discussion on every fact of social system. The system of social life given by the Islam is consise and entirely the nature of human being.The evils that are being prevailed in Pakistani society are sole cause of rejecting the teachings of Quran and Sunnah. Out of all these cammandsments one was victimized by social rights, the arrival and departure of the people into the other’s homewithout takinf permission is also the main reson on the basis of which not only the commandments of veil have been demolished butasa liberalism shamefulness, obscenic trends and unveiled custom activities are openly generalized. In this article, the Islamic orders relevant to the entry of taking permission of homes are entirely discussed in which many other pertinent matters have also been under discussion.