urdu The Sheikhs of Imam Ibn Abi Hatim in Tafsiri Traditions: An Introductory Study

تفسیری روایات میں امام ابن ابی حاتم کے شیوخ: تعارفی مطالعہ


  • Dr. Shams ul Haq Zaheer
  • Sheha Shams Shams Mphil researh scholar women university swabi
  • Saba Rauf




ابن ابی حاتم, شیوخ, تفسیری روایات, اخذ حدیث, میادین علم



When the Quran was reveled upon the Holy Prophet (S.A.W), the companion of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) focused to serve it from various aspects. Some of them were known for expertise of its words while other was for its meanings and interpretation. This method was carried out for two hundred years, and every aspect of the sciences of the Holy Quran formed to be a separate science. One of them was Tafseer i.e. interpretation of the Holy Quran. A lot of scholars were known as “Mufassireen” i.e. the interpreters. One of them was Ibn-i-abi-Hathim who born in 240 AH and got knowledge from the shining scholars of his era and also known for his several well-known expertise and contributions toward Islamic Sciences. He written down a book named as Tafseer Ibn-i-Abi-Hathim. Wherein, he collected the narrative style of interpretation of the Holy Quran and so on his book occupied a great status amongst the interpretations with chain of narrators i.e. تفسیر بالماثور. As it is clear that a scholar at that time was to be known by a huge number and authenticity of his teachers he learned from. He has many teachers of Tafseer, from whom he got the knowledge of tafseer and narrated it in his tafseer. This number is very huge, but we have chosen some selected scholars from whom Ibn-i-Abi-Hathim narrated in his tafseer, to make them introduce to the readers. Furthermore, as it is a case study of a specific area amongst his all teachers, that is why, we’ve acquired descriptive method of research in this article. First we discussed their names in alphabetical order strengthened by their narrations from his tafseer. And at the end the conclusions of the research have been given. This will help the new scholars in sorting out such areas, and will make them know elaborate such kind of questionable areas.

