Imam Al-Shafi’i: The Founder of Islamic Law
Al-Shafi’i, Islamic Jurisprudence, Islamic Law, Legal TheoryAbstract
Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Idrees Al-shafi'i is a theologian and renowned Islamic Scholar, who was the first contributor of the principles of Islamic Jurisprudence. He was a famous theologian and it was not his only forte, he also lectured on Poetry, Linguistics and Genealogy as well. His students cane from a varied array of disciplines. Among the four schools of thought of Muslims, Shafi'i is the Imam and founder of his school of thought. He was one of the four great Imams whose legacy on juridical matters and teachings eventually led to the formation of Shafi School of law. He is also the author of several prominent works in the field. Imam Shafi’I wrote many books and according to some narrations, the number is around 123. One of his famous books is Al-Risala. This is a book of his verdict’s specific issues, rather it was a book settling the principles of Islamic jurisprudence upon which every school of thoughts agree. He was one of the first people in the history of Islam who developed this branch of the religion. Another book comprising his rulings called Al-Umm has also become widely popular. Just as his book Al-Risala has the status of the first book and the primary source in the principles of Jurisprudence, like that his book Al-Umm has the status of the primary source in the field of Jurisprudence. The Shafi’i school of Jurisprudence is based on these books. The complete Jurisprudence has been compiled on the basis of these books. Imam Shafi’i write these books in his last year’s, in the early 3rd Century, when he was living in Egypt. In Egypt he not only rearranged Al-Risala, but also revised most of the issues of his Jurisprudence and compiled a collection of them in the form of Kitab Al-Umm. This book was dictated by him to his students and it is through them that it is available today. The four volume book Al-Umm also discussed a special chapter of Jurisprudence, International Islamic Law of War. That’s why it is also used in the formulation of international law. In the Risala which laid down the basis for various legal doctrines, al-Shafi’i established the overriding authority, based only to the Quran and the Sunnah or examples of the Holy Prophet PBUH as transmitted in the traditions. Shafi'i elaborated a system of positive law and a rudimentary legal theory that attracted a number of scholars. His two chief treatises that survived are al-Umm, a collection mainly concerned with positive law and disagreements among the early jurists, and al-Risala, a work on legal theory with particular emphasis on Prophetic Traditions, as a binding source of law. He set a new road towards Islamic Law through these two precious books. His contribution towards Islamic law is able to be discussed and remembered. The article will deal with the contributions of Al- shafi’i in Islamic Law in the light and approach of Al-Umm and Al-Risala.