Secrets and Sagacity of Makki Muwakhat

مکی مواخات کے اسراروحکم


  • Samina Rashid GCW University Sialkot
  • Sayeda Sadia Government College Women University, Sialkot



Makki period, Mawakhat-e-Islam, Establishment, Society, Human Recourse


From the beginning of Islam Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)'s mission to maintain a society on the divine message of Allah Almighty. For the said purpose the Messenger of Allah Almighty established a great group/ society of believers. Right after the few years of beginning of Islam Muhammad (S.A.W) developed a brotherhood between all Believers.  Indeed Makki period leads a key and fundamental role in the in establishing the Muslim community During the Makkah era, the Muslims were organized by Hazrat Muhammadﷺ and this process took 13 years. The historical evidence as well as the information found in biographical books demonstrate that the Makkah period was important for preaching, facing the hurdles and brutal behavior from Quraish e Makka and also strengthen the Muslims with the great virtues of Taqwa, Peace and Tolerance. Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) mainly focued on these key points in his Makkan period. On the other side he also managed the human recourse as he was well aware that these believers will play a fundamental role in framing a Society which will be consist of Allah Almighty's will. He (S.A.W) trained these believers for next challenges and also provide immediate solutions   for the emerging issues and problems with Muwkhat-e-Makka. The biography of the Prophet is available in many of the sources but few of them describe the event of Makki Muwakhat that we have access to, but of those that exist, Muhammad Bin Habib al-Baghdadi (245ύ) mentions the Makki Muwakhat and Madni Muwakhat separately. He mentions a number of Makki and Madni Muwakhat. The intention was to encourage Muslims to live in an environment that would encourage both unity and division among them. Additionally, it was meant to bring fresh existence, energy, and color to this relationship of the Makkah period with the brotherhood of "Mawakhat-e-Islam," as well as to lessen the pain of Muslims over the loss of their families and relatives. It was the establishment's first action by the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). In actuality, Muwakhat served as the original core of the Islamic world.

