A A Review of the Role of Tariqa e Muhammadiya in Spiritualism in Subcontinent

برصغیر پاک وہند میں اسلامی تصوف میں طریقہ محمدیہ کے کردار کا تحقیقی جائزہ


  • Dr. Muhammad Hafiz Saleem
  • Muhammad Nawaz
  • khadija bibi The women university Multan.




(Key words: Syed Ahmad Shaheed ؒ . TariqaMuhammadiya.Order.Spiritualism. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.)



This study deals with Syed Ahmad Shaheed ؒ  ( 1786-1831 AD) Order of  Tariqa e Muhammadiya in Muslim Spiritualism . This Order represents the concept of  reformition of the human character from outwards to inwards . The main purpose of this Order was to  reform the spiritual and social activities of  the Muslims  society in Subcontinent. The teachings and features of  this Order to act upon the  appearance life of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. Of course His ﷺ life is a real source to get the will of Allah and his love. Basically this Order is the name of act and deed.

(Key words: Syed Ahmad Shaheed ؒ . TariqaMuhammadiya.Order.Spiritualism. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.)     

